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As yet in a sentence

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Sentence count:265+3Posted:2016-07-18Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: heretoforehithertoso farthus fartil nowuntil nowup to nowyetSimilar words: easyfantasytake it easyMeaning: adv. used in negative statement to describe a situation that has existed up to this point or up to the present time. 
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151, They have been working in small groups to show the lives of a small rural town as yet unconnected to the railway.
152, Vic and Emelia split up and now Sarah has dumped Julia for an as yet unnamed new man.
153, Although the infective larvae can penetrate the skin, the infection rarely matures and there is no evidence as yet of transmammary infection.
154, As yet nobody knows; but it would certainly be worth finding out, both for commercial and for theoretical reasons.
155, As yet, no definite timescale for assessment by a certification body has been set.
156, Unfortunately, there is as yet no basis for estimating their total number or total mass.
157, Travellers very often notice that electric light and trams are brought into streets which as yet have no houses.
158, It sounded all right, but was there something slightly odd about the tuning, some as yet almost imperceptible new thin whine?
159, I did not know as yet that ogres stand on guard before the portal of an heiress.
160, Why is it that we have, as yet, achieved so little?
161, Minton was obliged to register the jeep in his own name as Norman as yet had only a provisional licence.
162, There is as yet no firm estimate as to the amount of electricity which could be generated by such a scheme.
163, The driver swears but brakes as yet another tin mining family climb aboard the truck already bulging with people and their belongings.
164, But as yet the Government has shown no sign of relaxing it is a policy towards Gloucestershire.
165, But, as yet(, the food hasn't reached Save because there are no lorries to transport it.
166, As yet no evidence has been found to suggest that this death was homicide.
167, There is little solid evidence, as yet, to answer such a question with confidence.
168, As yet, no one was prepared to worry about what might happen in the distant future.
169, As yet there is no formal stock exchange, although a handful of securities are traded on the over-the-counter market.
170, Storni reproduces the externals, and gathers together the ingredients, but as yet does not have the alchemy to transform them.
171, As yet,( he has not accepted any of the more than 50 high school prom invitations he has received.
172, As yet the streets were almost deserted, and so he couldn't resist driving by the tenement before making for the school.
173, Seven ruff, without as yet their elaborate courtship adornments, fed at the northern tip of a tyke.
174, However, we are as yet unable to provide the complete simulation of electronic publishing that we have successfully organized for print publishing.
175, The last group of paintings, as yet incomplete, returns to the urban theme.
176, As yet there have been few large-scale studies of technicians involved in scaling up genetic engineering processes.
177, For the Hazaras, who have strong emotional ties to their history, the outrage was perceived as yet another irreparable wound.
178, That, however, is not a posture which, as yet, commands unalloyed respect within the United Kingdom.
179, In the current situation many issues as yet remain unresolved and we do not have all the answers.
180, As yet, the process of liberalizing the public service dimension of electricity has barely begun.
More similar words: easyfantasytake it easy
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